Upcoming Events:
Meetings will be held on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 1pm at Elks Lodge, 940 Pulaski Hwy (Rt 40 East), Havre de Grace, MD 21078
Meetings include food, raffles, & a live auction - auctions are run through and typically set up a week before the meeting.
Dec 8 - Christmas Party
Jan 12 - Meeting - Chad Mastbergen - Xiphophorus
Feb 9 - Meeting - Chris Biggs - CARES, cichlids, & the mad aquarist intro
March 9 - Online swap meet
April 13 - Lonny Langione - Taxonomic names
May - TBD
June 8 - Mandy Goan - Summer grown aquarium plants
July 12 & 13 - Chantz Cramer - Two day event; collecting and aquascaping demo. More details coming soon
August 10 - ACM picnic
September - NO MEETING
October 12 - Pete Bruce - Breeding corydoras
November 9 - ACM plant auction
December 14 - Holiday party
Previous events:
Nov 10 - Meeting - Dave Snell - Fish Photography - Anniversary meeting - huge auction, tons of plants!
Oct 5th - Visit us at Keystone Clash! Membership specials (new & renewals!!) & prizes! Table open 10am-7pm
Sept 8 - Meeting - live foods
Aug 11 - ACM Picnic
July 14 - Meeting - Bob Bock - Native fish of the Northeast
June 9 - Meeting - Chris from Capital Exotic Fish - Discus
May 12 - Meeting - Speaker: Barbara Day - Bettas
Apr 14 - Meeting - Speaker: Michael from Michael's Fish Room - Breeding for Profit
March 9-21 - Online auction! - Pickup March 23
Mar 10 - Fish room hop (Members only) - Contact us for more info!
Feb 11 - Meeting - Killifish panel & AKA digital presentation
Jan 14, 2024 - Meeting - Speaker: James Frank, microfishing
Dec 10, 2023 - Holiday Party! Party games, pot luck meal (bring a side or dessert), ugly sweater contest (keep it family appropriate please), raffle, prizes, and an auction!
Nov 12, 2023 - First meeting!! - Speaker: "Father Fish", live auction, food, drinks, raffles & more!
Sept 22-24 2023 - Keystone Clash table at the Holiday Inn, Morgantown, PA